Monday 26 May 2014

Outdoor lunches have finally arrived at IRC!

 Now that the nice weather has finally arrived, we hope to have outdoor lunch for IRC students whenever possible.
This means that all students in grades 1-6 will be dismissed to the school yard at 11:45 a.m. to eat lunch outside under the supervision of IRC’s lunchroom supervisors.
Students who go home for lunch will be dismissed by their classroom teachers to the yard also. 
Please remind children to wear a sun hat and sunscreen so that they can enjoy this extra time outside safely.

A Reminder!
Please ensure that children who remain at school for lunch bring their litter-less lunch with them to school in the morning.   This is very important so that we may ensure adequate supervision during the lunch hour and decrease the need for lunch pick-ups in the office.  With parent support, we can continue to help IRC students be independent and responsible for their lunch bag and snacks.
Thank you for your support of the lunch program at IRC!